Wednesday, 18 June 2014

28mm Russians from Baker Company finished

These are the first batch of Russians I got from the Baker Company Kickstarter. Me, Thomas and Laffe got in on this together and split one Finnish and two Russian platoons, plus some add-ons.
1st squad
2nd squad
Anyway, the first box came a while ago, and I managed to finish these 28 Russians in record time. Record time for me, that is. You’ll find a short painting tutorial here. I tried a lot of different grey-green colours on the uniforms, not just those in the tutorial.
I’m not overly enthusiastic about these figures. The details are somewhat crude, some of the faces are, well, awful. I had to green-stuff a bit; a couple of miscasts and the LMG:s had to short muzzles.
On the other hand, when you have them at arm’s length, playing a game, they do look at least OK.
So, all in all, I’m satisfied with the outcome of the Kickstarter, but I will probably not buy more Winter War figures from Baker Company. Well, maybe a pack or two if we find that we need something more when we have played Chain of Command with them.
Command group
After this I need to relax with some fantasy figures, but after that the Finns will move to the painting table.

With this speed I might be able to actually paint all these figures in a reasonable time.


  1. Great work! Can't wait for my second wave of Finnish!

    1. I hope to finish my first wave of Finns before the second wave turns up. That would be a victory of sorts.

  2. Nice. Remember to bring my pile over when we game next week.

  3. Very nice! Now I need to get started on mine!

    1. Yes! I want to game with them in this millenium...

  4. They look really good
    What about putting some dead branches or battle debris material on the bases instead of just having them full white?
    Just a friendly suggestion

    1. A very good suggestion. A was mostly lazy with these, but the Finns deserve better :-)

  5. Sorry to hear that they did not live up to your expectations. I remember that there was a lot of excitement about these figures. Perhaps a reason why Kickstarter projects are not always to be trusted? I'm having the same frustrations with the reboot of the Ares SF gaming magazine, which has missed many targets for release.

    1. that is of course a problem. But on the whole I am satisfied with the outcome of this Kickstarter, but I would have been enthusiastic if the figures had been better.
      There is also the armour, and they are gorgeous. More on them later.

  6. My disappointment has lead them to stay in their box, will start them some time but not yet.

    Someone is selling them on e-bay adding Battlefront to the auction title but not actually saying who makes them. I emailed the question and they came clean but it tells you all you need to know


    1. Somewhat underwhelmed...
      I would have liked Gavin to take more time sculpting the heads, feet and weapons. Then they would have been much better.

  7. Baker company is implausible, dishonest and he's lying all the time.
    I have bought for 265 GBP models and eventually only got a few rifle squads and two T26 tanks
    Is's a crook, he does not give a refund for the undelivered items. Does not respond at all !

    1. I approached him with a suggestion on how to solve the undelivered minis and got a prompt reply and a solution that was very agreeable.
      I'm sorry it hasn't worked out for you.
