Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Happy Birthday to The Miniatures Man

One year since the first post and I think that is cause for celebrations. Unfortunately it is Wednesday today, so the champagne (or probably Gin and Tonic) will have to wait until Friday.

The year in the back-mirror:
A total of 6500 pageviews, steadily more views every month. With this trend I think that every human being will check my blog at least once per day in just a couple of years, and that is hopefully something I can make a zillion dollars/pounds/Euro/kronor on J.
Most viewers from The US, closely followed by the UK, then Sweden, Germany, Spain, Russia, Australia, Canada, France and Italy. Visits from every continent (except Antarctica) and several countries on each continent. This is actually quite cool.
32 Followers, and there seem to be a bunch of people following via e-mail. I’m currently following some 60 blogs, and hopefully “My blog list” works now.

Total of 92 post (including this one) during this year. The most popular by far is the comparison of Pz IV:s from Airfix, Hasegawa and Plastic Soldier Company, and below that in popularity is a mix of posts on battle reports, miniatures (in top 10 there are 20mm WWII and 28mm fantasy and SF), terrain-making and a museum review. Book reviews seem to be moderately popular, so I’ll continue with them for a while at least.
The absolutely coolest comment came in The Dardanelles Patrol book review. The commenter’s great grandfather was the navigator on the WWI submarine in question.

The blogs with most referrals to this site are, and - thanks for the traffic guys! (And a big thanks to all the other blogs linking to this one)
This has been an interesting trip so far. My primary goal when I started was essentially to list which paints I used on which miniature, as I kept losing all those crucial pieces of paper with scribbles on them all the time. For that this blog has been great and I use it to check on colours used all the time.
A positive side effect of all the photos is that I take more time to paint my figures now, as it is sort of embarrassing to show something that I’m not happy with. For example I’ve started to paint the eyes on my 28mm:s, something I didn’t do very often before. The result was my absolute favourite model so far, Elori Ebonscythe. I don’t think I would have achieved that without the blog.

Lastly, a big thank you to Laffe and Thomas who got me into blogging. Don’t you guys complain about me not completing a tank/gun/squad/scenario in time – it’s your fault I spend too much time in front of the computer, time I could have used at the painting table J

All in all I’m very happy with this year, and I hope you have enjoyed it also.
There will be more.
Cheers /Joakim


  1. Happy birthday! And I promise there will be new stuff from me pretty soon. Honest.

  2. Happy birthday! I missed my birthday I guess, so three cheers for yours instead!!!

  3. Congrats - I like these "look backs" of what wa popular. Cool story about the submariner.

    I'll be celebrating my one year, in a few months.
