Thursday, 5 February 2015

Brimstone – Hellbats

These are the Hellbats from the Brimstone - Swamps of Death box.
I like the concept, essentially winged snakelike creatures, but I am disappointed with the minis.
They are made of five parts – body, two wings, ‘head’ and tongue. Rather good fit, meaning I didn’t need that much green stuff to hide cracks. Unfortunately the details a bit lacking and that is especially noticeable where the tail wraps around the rocks on the ground and where the body coils and sort of mergers on the minis. I would have liked to see more distinct parts that do not blend into each other. I guess I could have made bigger effort with my painting to ‘separate’ the parts with shadows, but I just couldn’t bother.
Anyway, these are the paints I used:
Body – Vallejo 882 Middlestone with a wash of Army Painter Strong Tone. The backside of the wings also got a wash of Citadel Washes Thraka Green and I drybrushed the undersides with 971 Green Grey.
Claws – 034 Bone White with a Strong Tone wash
Rocks – 987 Medium Grey also washed with Strong Tone.
Mouth and tongue – 944 Old Rose washed with Citadel Baal Red. The tongue got another wash of Citadel Leviathan Purple. I also painted faint streaks of Baal Red around the mouth.
Gills – two washes of Baal Red over the ordinary body tone.
Teeth – 034 Bone White.
Everything varnished with Vallejo Matte Varnish and mouth and gills got a coat of Gloss Varnish.

Die! Shooter from Black Scorpion.
Click here for the rest of my painted Brimstone minis.


  1. You did a nice job with them. Have you seen the update about Flying Frog Productions looking for a better factory for the next waves?

    1. Thank you.
      Yes, that does look promising and we'll have to see the outcome of that.... in 2016... :-( the earliest...

    2. Yeah... don't know what's best... better figures later or the same quality sooner.

    3. Oh completely overlooked that update. Thanks for the reminder :)

    4. I think I prefer quality before early delivery.
      I much prefer quality AND reasonable delivery time...

  2. Exactly now what you mean with the details. Think that is a problem which is a "common theme" with the miniatures. Maybe we are too skeptical? After all its just a normal board game, thus they are quite OKish.
    But I share the disappointment to some point because in the Kickstarter they looked way better.

    1. Yep, if Igo the Kickstarter page and look at the miniature they show of, for example, the Marshall and then compare it with what Iactually got then I get a bit disappointed. To say the least.

    2. After the Sedition Wars KS and the Descent v1 stuff I am quite "battle hardened" here ;) Nonetheless if the can push up the quality it is a welcomed change.

  3. The detail may be soft but you teased the best out of it


    1. Thanks. They did turn out much better than expected, actually.

  4. looking good nice job, once the models are painted they suddenly look a fair bit better which helps during a adventure, don't forget that they might allow backers who did not opt for wave 1.5 to do so in the future, but it was $100 and shipped from the US if I recall correctly. ( Davros )

    1. Thanks Davros.
      Yep, they do look much better painted up :-) It's not to hard to get a decent result.
      The 1.5 shipping is a possibility, but at an extra $100 or so for shipping and all the extra cost for customs... I don't think so.

    2. Agree, a bit rich for my liking, with not a lot of gain especially as it is possible to make up you own monsters and critters in the mean time should you wish ( just like that cool Hellshrieker for example ) .Patience is the key word in KS World. Also I am unable to say I have nothing to get on with in the mean time 8). ( Davros )

    3. I think I could also find something to paint in my tin- and plasticsmountain...
