Friday, 18 March 2016

Baldric the Wizard from Zombicide: Black Plague

Baldric ready for action.
It’s a joy to play Zombicide: Black Plague with painted figures. Well, it’s obviously a joy to play any game with painted figs instead of unpainted.
Halfway into the game and we're having serious problems with the fatties. At this stage  only the dwarf coould take them out.
Anyway, Thomas and I had two games (one very fast and humiliating defeat and one victory) on Wednesday and it was great fun. There were unfortunately a lot of unpainted plastics on the table, but I’m working on it.
We're down to four adventurers here, everyone is hurt and it looks rather grim. All those zombies are heading our way and they're after our brains... We get another loss but manages to finish the game with very little margin.
Baldric was barely dry when he had to do his duty and fight during yesterdays’ game. I had a chance to take a couple of pics of him before I left for the club.

I tried to paint him like the illustration in the rules-book to make identification easy on the gaming board, and I think it turned out quite well.
One down, three to go (plus the abomination, the necromancer and a lot of zombies, of course...)


  1. Yes, the loss was humiliating but thankfully quick. The win, on the other hand, made up for the last five losses! Damn that was close!

    1. We really needed that win :-)

    2. Yep. And best of all, you can inform Junior that he still has not won...

    3. I'm sure he will get us for that next time we play anything that is not co-op.

  2. He's brilliant. Lovely job on him!

  3. He looks great, what a wonderful job you've done on him.

    1. Thanks, Michael
      It's great fun painting from an illustration. I really enjoy it.
