Sunday, 7 December 2014

Black Scorpion vs Brimstone – a comparison

There seems to be an interest in using Black Scorpion miniatures as substitutes for the minis in the Brimstone boxes.
Here are a couple of comparison shots for those interested. The unpainted minis are Brimstone, waiting for paint.
Click here for more on Brimstone and here for a lot of Black Scorpion minis.

Don’t forget the 100K giveaway.


  1. Thanks, looks like the Black Scorpion figures will be useful, and like the Brimstone figures might do double duty in Dead Man's Hand too.

    1. Yep, I intend to use Black Scorpion in Brimsone, at least until I have painted the Brimstone figures, and I will use some of the Brimstone figures in Dead Man's Hand.
      Must get a game of that soon.

  2. They match up size wise really well.

  3. Thanks for the comparison. I see what everyone means about lack of detail now...

    How do they size up against Dust infantry? From the proportions it looks like they maybe 1/48?

    1. They're about half a head higher than Dust.

    2. Mine arrived yesterday, so now I can see exactly what everyone means about the detail in person. Some seem... ok. The proportions seem a little out of wack on some though.

      I would start looking at replacing the humans, but with all the undead and mutant humans coming in later waves I fear that might get very expensive :/

    3. I will use my already painted Black Scorpion figs until I have painted the Brimstone figures - and they are not high on the 'to do list' (except the Bandido as I don't have anything similar)
      I've assembled half of the Brimstone characters now, those in the City of Ancients set, and they are a varied lot. The Saloon Girl is on the awful side but I rather like the others. I think they will paint up well. We'll see
