What happened? Another year flew by… a
year that was very successful miniatures wise.
Posts – 108 posts during the year, for
a total of 371
Hits - around 105K total, meaning I
got about 50K hits during the year.
Followers – 46 new followers for a
total of 131
My goal for 2014 was to have at least
50 posts – Success!
will go easy on Kickstarters this year.” Fail. Let’s continue J
Vehicles – 15 painted
Figures – 32 painted
Not a bad year, but I haven’t really
done much.
“The goal for 2014 is to paint all the
British vehicles and guns, and a lot of them stand ready. I’m just waiting for
delivery of some paints.”
Well, I got some of it painted… but
not all. Fail
The infamous GW Giant. Done at last. |
Small and medium painted – 178
Large – 8
XL – 2 (and one of them is that cursed
Terrain – quite a few 4Ground houses and
a lot of bits and pieces
I started a new ‘period’ – Dust Warfare.
Great fun.
A great year for 28mm. I have never
painted as much. Not by a long way.
The goals:
Winter war – “My goal for 2014 is to paint at least some of that.” I did
paint the first bunch of
Russians, still got the first batch of Finns, and I’m
waiting for the last batch of minis. Not terribly happy with the sculpts of the
soldiers but the vehicles are great.
Wild West -. “My goal for 2014 is to get myself a decent set of skirmish rules and
build and paint enough so that I can get at least one game in.”
Bought Dead Man’s Hand, built a bunch of minis and have played a couple of
games. Success!
28mm SF and fantasy – “Will paint more figures this year, but won’t
buy more than maybe a stray figure or two.” – Didn’t buy to many
figures directly. Kickstarters don’t count, right…? Anyway, I did paint a lot
so I call it a Success!
Thomas and I have started to game evenings
bi-weekly, with Laffe and others showing up when they can. It’s great to
regularly game and fun to get small games in.
So, all in all, 2014 was a successful year miniatures-wise. A great year.
for 2015
2015 will be a 28mm year. I will concentrate on:
- finishing all the miniatures for the
first shipment of Brimstone
Dust so far. |
- paint a decent force for two
factions in Dust. It looks like it will be Germans and SSU.
- continue with Dead Man’s Hand and
get a couple of more figures painted.
2015 will also be a year of terrain. I will concentrate on:
- building a couple of gaming boards
for Song of Blades and Heroes and/or Open Combat
- building a board for Dead Man’s Hand
- building a board for Dust
- building and painting a lot of details
I also have a secret minis-project
that will run throughout the year. More on that in a years time.
2015 will also be a year of the unforeseen. As usual. Something
will probably show up and I will probably fall for it. Something really
unforeseen would be for me not to
fall for a shiny Kickstarter. But that won’t happen J I will try to cut back on minitures-kickstarters though.
I really have enough minis to last me through the year and then some.
See what I did there? No goals! This
is about having fun and I will continue to have that. That is actually a goal!
Finally: Welcome
followers SinSynn with House of Paincakes, a very
amusing blog and Blaxkleric (no blog that I could find. If you do have a blog,
then put a link to it in the comments below so I can link to it here.)
RPG Stream and Luchas Stuchly are a
new Google+ followers. Welcome.