Friday 27 February 2015

Brimstone – Heroes part 2

The last four heroes from the Shadow of Brimstone boxes. Here you find them fighting a Slasher.
Here's the first female characters. In the Kickstarter there will be at least one male and one female miniature for each hero type, which is a great idea. They all are suitably dressed for adventure. All, except the Saloon Girl (whose male counterpart is the Piano Player, by the way). If I were she I would have slipped into something a bit more uncomfortable before going out exploring mines and other worlds. Ah, well. She'll freeze and the demons will drool... but they usually do, anyway.
Paints used:
Shirt – Coat d’arms 240 Unbleached Wool
Pants – Vallejo 869 Basalt Grey
Boots – Formula P3 Bootstrap Leather
Sombrero – 907 Pale Greyblue
Bandolier – 876 Brown Sand
Sidebag – 983 Flat Earth
Dynamite + sash – Citadel Scab Red
Washed with Army Painter Strong Tone ink.
Indian Scout
Skin – Citadel Foundation Tallarn Flesh
Hair – 822 German Camo Black Brown
Pants – 876 Brown Sand
Shirt – 991 Dark Sea Grey
Coat – Formula P3 Gun Corps Brown
Boots – P3 Bootstrap Leather
Belt – 983 Flat Earth
Bag – 984 Flat Brown
Head band, scarf – Citadel Foundation Mechrite Red
Everything got a coat of Strong Tone wash
Dress – 975 Military Green drybrushed with 968 Flat Green
Boots – P3 Bootstrap Leather
Hat – 876 Brown Sand
Bags - 984 Flat Brown and 876 Brown Sand
Hair – Coat d’arms 223 Horse Tone Chestnut
Everything but the dress got a wash of Strong Tone.
Saloon Girl
Dress – Citadel Foundation Mechrite Red with a wash of Citadel Baal Red
Boots – 982 Cavalry Red with a Dark Tone wash
Hair - Coat d’arms 223 Horse Tone Chestnut with a Dark Tone wash
Feather boa – white washed with AP Soft Tone and drybrushed white.

You will find the first batch of the heroes hereClick here for the rest of my painted Brimstone minis.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Brimstone – Heroes part 1

The heroes of Brimstone are on my painting table at the moment. These are the first, frantically battling a Goliath.
A bit lacking in details, especially the preacher's face is a bit of a lump.
Paints used:
Lawman and Gunslinger
Coat – 872 Chocolate Brown
Vest – 991 Dark Sea Grey
Pants – 871 Leather Brown
Hat – 847 Dark Sand
Metal – 863 Gunmetal Grey
Holster and shoes – Formula P3 Bootstrap Leather
Washed with Army Painter Strong Tone
Coat – Vallejo 984 Flat Brown
Shirt – 907 Pale Greyblue
Pants – 874 Tan Earth
Hat – 876 Brown Sand and 871 Leather Brown
Holster and shoes – P3 Bootstrap Leather
Washed with Army Painter Strong Tone
Preacher and U.S. Marshall
Smock – Black drybrushed with 994 Dark Grey
Shoes – 876 Brown Sand
Sidebag -  871 Leather Brown
Belt-cloth – 869 Basalt Grey
Book – 872 Chocolate Brown
Shoes and sidebag washed with Army Painter Strong Tone, belt-cloth with AP Dark Tone.
Shirt – Coat d’arms 240 Unbleached Wool
Vest – 871 Leather Brown
Pants – 876 Brown Sand
Hat – 874 Tan Earth
Boots – P3 Bootstrap Leather
Stock – 984 Flat Brown with 981 Orange Brown striations
Washed with Army Painter Strong Tone

Click here for the rest of my painted Brimstone minis.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Rackham Orcs

I fell in love the Rackham orcs in the days when minis from Rackham was the best you could get. Fantastic details and great sculpts. The downside was and is that they take forever to paint. But you get a very nice mini when you’re finished.
I painted the flesh of these brutes with Citadel Foundation Tallarn Flesh. The other colours… your guess is as good as mine.
I based them on Sally 4th clear 25mm bases.
I still got 10+ Rackham orcs in the tin-mountain, waiting for paint.
Colin Sponias is a new Google+ follower. Welcome.
Now, if only I could find those Rackham orc riders. Why didn't I buy them when I had the chance?

Friday 20 February 2015

Kobolds from Castle Ravenloft, Håtunaleken and more

First a couple of pictures on the newly painted Kobolds from the Castle Ravenloft boardgame. I prefer my kobolds in the classic style as I’m an old school D&D player so these will serve as reptilian infantry instead. Ordinary boardgame minis quality wise and they got a fast paint job.
Skin – Vallejo 879 Green Brown
Metal – 863 Gunmetal Grey
Wood – 843 Cork Brown
Leather – 984 Flat Brown
Eyes – 984 Golden yellow with black slits
Washed with Army Painter Strong Tone ink and finally a coat of matte varnish.
I’ve got a lot of different minis on the table at the moment. Wolfs in different forms from several companies, the heroes from Brimstone, a couple of Rackham orcs and a German Dust-squad. You’ll see them all here soon (or not too soon, you never know).

I fell for the Conan Kickstarter halfway through it. It just proved too spectacular a deal. I did however manage to stop myself overindulging and just pledged for the basic Barbarian Pledge. So now I’m waiting for The Complete Chronicles of Conan that I ordered a couple of days ago. Should keep the Conan-itch satisfied for a while.
The set up. Good guys on the right with my troops closest to the camera.
I’m in the process of joining a local gaming club, Little Wars. The webpage is brand new and there you can find out what has happened at the club and also links to the various very good blogs made by some very talented members of the club.
My brave knights attack
At an ordinary meeting earlier in this week we had a big game of Lion Rampant with the in-club campaign Håtunaleken. Great fun even though my borrowed units (played them together with Mikael who tought me the rules) were utterly destroyed during the fight.
My troops before the fights...
Meanwhile a battle on the other side of the board
Welcome follower Black Powder with Black Powder Games from Little Wars. We had a great game of Chain of Command at the club last week. I unfortunately forgot my camera so no pictures and no AAR (We both took a severe beating and called it a draw when it was time to leave.)

My troops have disappeared somehow but assistance is on its way.
And a hearty welcome to follower Fabio Vollono. If you have a blog of your own then put a link to it in the comments below so I can link to it here.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Undead from Castle Ravenloft Boardgame

I was looking through the tin- and plastics-mountain the other day and found a bag of plastic miniatures – the remaining minis from the Castle Ravenloft boardgame that I still haven’t painted. I intend to finish all board-game minis before the next one hits me, and that means Ravenloft and Brimstone are moving to the painting table.
First the undead cannon fodder.
All were blockpainted with whatever I had handy and washed with Army Painter Strong Tone Ink.
Zombies – skin painted with Vallejo 884 Stone Grey
Ghouls – skin 971 Green Grey

Skeletons - bone white obviously. Shields where also drybrushed with 863 Gunmetal Grey to get a worn look.
The zombies actually saw action this weekend as substitute Hungry Dead in a game of Shadows of Brimstone. We, an Indian Scout and an Outlaw, managed the 'For a Handful of Darkstone' scenario and came away with a lot of loot. Great fun!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Brimstone – Hellbats

These are the Hellbats from the Brimstone - Swamps of Death box.
I like the concept, essentially winged snakelike creatures, but I am disappointed with the minis.
They are made of five parts – body, two wings, ‘head’ and tongue. Rather good fit, meaning I didn’t need that much green stuff to hide cracks. Unfortunately the details a bit lacking and that is especially noticeable where the tail wraps around the rocks on the ground and where the body coils and sort of mergers on the minis. I would have liked to see more distinct parts that do not blend into each other. I guess I could have made bigger effort with my painting to ‘separate’ the parts with shadows, but I just couldn’t bother.
Anyway, these are the paints I used:
Body – Vallejo 882 Middlestone with a wash of Army Painter Strong Tone. The backside of the wings also got a wash of Citadel Washes Thraka Green and I drybrushed the undersides with 971 Green Grey.
Claws – 034 Bone White with a Strong Tone wash
Rocks – 987 Medium Grey also washed with Strong Tone.
Mouth and tongue – 944 Old Rose washed with Citadel Baal Red. The tongue got another wash of Citadel Leviathan Purple. I also painted faint streaks of Baal Red around the mouth.
Gills – two washes of Baal Red over the ordinary body tone.
Teeth – 034 Bone White.
Everything varnished with Vallejo Matte Varnish and mouth and gills got a coat of Gloss Varnish.

Die! Shooter from Black Scorpion.
Click here for the rest of my painted Brimstone minis.

Monday 2 February 2015

Brimstone – Slashers

I’ve been busy with Dust for the last month or so. Now I want to finish my Brimstone minis as that game really grows the more minis you have and I prefer my minis painted.
These are the Slashers from the Swamps of Death box. Big ugly brutes.
Quite a lot of preparation as the fit wasn’t great and I needed a bit of green stuff here and there.
I tried a couple of colour schemes that didn’t turn out well and in the end I just went for a really basic paint job. Well, better painted than not…
First a coat of Vallejo 874 Tan Earth, washed with Army Painter Strong Tone Ink and finally dry-brushed with 912 Tan Yellow.
Eyes black.
Breathing tubes (or whatever) got a couple of coats of Citadel Washes Baal Red on top.

Everything coated with Vallejo Satin Varnish to get a slight sheen to the exo-skeleton. Eyes and the red of the breathing tubes got a coat of Gloss Varnish.
They are based on 40mm clear bases from Sally 4th.
Click here for the rest of my painted Brimstone minis.