Tuesday 31 January 2017

Pict Hunters from Conan and some planning

Five of the fifteen Pict Hunters from the Conan boardgame
As you probably know I’m somewhat allergic to painting uniforms or multiples of the same mini, so I usually take a manageable number of identical minis at a time, in this case 1/3 of the pict hunters.
Very simple block painting and a wash and that were that. I like the figs and they turned out well from such a basic job.

I’ve had a couple of days without much painting as I’m upgrading my hobby corner in the garage. It starts to look like I would like it to look, but still quite a lot to do to be finished. More on that in a future post.

I’ve also had my 3D-printer serviced and it is up and running in my hobby corner. Churning out lots of stuff and will be even more productive in a couple of days’ time when I’ll get a dedicated computer for it. More on that soon.
I’m also preparing for a terrain-day this weekend, when me and a couple of pals will have a go at making more terrain. So I’ve prepared a lot of stuff that needs static grass, dusted off all that rubberized horsehair, prepared flock and whatnot. Looking forward to that and you’ll probably find something about it here in the not too distant future


  1. Where can you find rubberized horse hair here in Sweden? And what's it called in Swedish?

    1. I bought it from UK. Postage was a nightmare...
      På svenska... ingen aning. Kommer du till Gothcon kan jag ta med mig en bit.

    2. Jag ska tyvärr inte till Gothcon i år, man kan det vara "gummerat tagel": http://mobelsitsen.se/produkter/naturmaterial.html

    3. Det är nog rätt idé, men just den där ser väldigt kompakt ut. Min är lite mer fluffig. Men svårt att se på en liten bild.
      Bor du i Stockholmstrakten kanske vi kan ordna något?

    4. Jag fick precis reda på att Leif E också har en bit, så jag kan titta närmare på den nästa gång jag hälsar på honom.

    5. Lysande. Han och Thomas N har varsin bit från samma rulle.

    6. Wow, mina två spelgrupper krockar... :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very nice minis, and excellently painted. Cheers!

    1. Thank you! Five more have just moved to the painting table.

  4. Looking forward to the terrain day!
    And to kicking the snot out of the hunters. #IAmConan

    1. You did that last time you met them, but it was close. Such a good game!

  5. Great to see these Joakim and lovely job too. Sadly mine are still gathering dust.

    1. That is not ok! Dammit Michael, they are Hunters, not Gatherers!

  6. Busy man! They are great Picts...exactly how I imagine them.
