played this game in in late June, so this Pulp Alley AAR is a little bit late.
scenario is made for two leagues but we all wanted to play and modified the
scenario so that we made to teams of two leagues each. That turned out to be a
less than ideal solution as the game became rather cramped with all figures trying to reach the plane at the same.
scenario then.
from the Perilous Island campaign book for Pulp Alley. Our heroes have made a
stop in Casablanca where unrest is spreading. At the airport the crowds are on
the brink of a riot and Foreign Legion soldiers are the only thing stopping
them. There seem to be only one plane left and the leagues either have to take
it to safety or try to sabotage it.
couple of scenario specific rules make this rather interesting.
Foreign Legion – they are there to uphold the peace and quiet. If you use Brawl
or Shoot they get rather upset and you become wanted. The whole board will
become extremely perilous for that character for the rest of the game. Trust
me, not good at all, especially if you’re low level.
only two plot point markers are placed at the beginning of the game – tickets and
the package (a bomb or something sinister). The league trying to get Lady
Elaine onto the plane starts trying to unlock the tickets and the league trying
to stop them tries the package.
Further plot points unveiled when the first ones are unlocked (Lady Elaine or a
mechanic for those trying to stop the plane)
plot point is the plane – either get Lady Elaine onboard it or get the mechanic
to sabotage it.
we rolled for special conditions it turned out that there is a sandstorm brewing
– meaning vision is limited. On top of everything.
Hooray! The true Heroes! The CSSS ready to save the world. Or at least the Catholic part of it. Damn the rest. This time Soldato Maligno was down with stomach cramps (serves him right for gorging himself on dates) and Maria, our trusted and boodthirsty dog, took his place. We also had Ahmed, a trusted local, on our side. We met him in a previous adventure set in Egypt. He's not in this pic as he is a bit shy. |
The Independent Phrenologist - well, not exactly good, but we're seeing them and their 'secret' sponsor as possible future allies in Il Duce's plans for Mare Nostre. We had better make them believe we help them. In secret we despise them and their silly Führer with his stupid moustasche. |
Evil (just look at them) Opposition:
The Belgian League - met them before. Not nice fellas at all. Probably Protestants. They should burn. |
The International Egyptological Society (aka The Cult of Ra) - need I say more. We are truly fighting evil scum. They are not even Protestants... |
the action commence!
The set-up. Good guys in lower left corner and baddies in upper right. My hangar functions in this scale also. Huge thing. |
The vile opposition and their first objective in the cart. A Foreign Legion soldier keeps order. |
Our heroes and their temporary allies. Our objective, the tickets, are before the Ticket Office, guarded by a greedy clerk. |
The last plane from Casablanca. Miscatonic Airways - you can always trust them. |
A view of the hangar, a local selling food for the coming trip and some workers. The latter barely moved during the whole action and that sort of proves the inability of the locals to do any thing right without proper supervision.
We do them a great service by having these colonies. But they should be Italian of course. That will be rectified. |
First round. Monsignore starts bickering with the clerk and the rest of the gangs move forward. |
Soura Innocenza is Speedy and she takes up station by the plane, but the opposition closes in. |
The baddies surrounds the baggage cart, searching for the bomb one of their contacts have squirelled away. |
More baddies reach the plane. |
A new round and the heroes of the CSSS reaches the plane and makes a protective ring around the entrance to it. |
Soura sneaks through the enemy lines and looks threatening. She is attacked here and starts to be surrounded. It looks grim and she will be needed elsewhere soon. But she worked well as a speedbump. |
Tightening the ring around the entrance. You can see Soura Innocenza by the tail of the plane. She ran full speed back to friendly lines. |
Monsignore got the tickets and has arrived at the plane, protected by Phrenologists. |
But the hordes of Cultists starts to surround the plane... |
...on both sides. |
Here we have located Lady Elaine. But she's a long way from the plane. Will she and her escort arrive unmolested or will they be overwhelmed by bloodthirsty cultists? |
She is heroically escorted to the plane by the Phrenologist leader, Herr Doktor Kopfgelände. |
Soura Innocenza and Sister Sigrid against the world. They would probably make it through... |
We are truly surrounded! |
But it doesn't matter as Monsignore and Herr Doktor flashes their tickets and enters the plane escorting Lady Elaine to a comfortable seat by the window.
Aaaah, that champagne looks excellent. Ice-cold, just what you need after all that sand. |
There's the bomb and also the mechanic scratching his head and being escorted by Miss Mayhem. They are to late as the propellers start spinning and the final flight from Casablanca taxies away.
The cultists and Belgians grind their teeth as the see Her Doctor and Monsignore toast them with glasses of sparkling Champagne. The humiliation...
Those left have only to find other means to reach Istanbul, the next stop on the road to Perilous Island. |
be continued!
game on Monday and this time I will write the report a bit faster J