Try to find the field of sun-flowers. |
had another terrain-making-day this weekend. It was me, Thomas N and Daniel
that playe... worked.
used my static grass applicator to, well, apply static grass… Lots of hedges
and also newly 3D-printed walls got grass.
based a lot of trees that also were grassed. The sun-flower field was a bit underwhelming, and I guess I have to finish it sometime soon.
Look at those walls! Lots of them! Two more were printed while we worked. |
vac-formed terrain of mine got the same treatment, more on that in a future post.
got to play with the foam-cutter AND he also used his hot-glue gun. He wasn't burned. Amazing!
had a go at the long-ignored harbour. I really have to get going with it in a
serious way as it will be soo cool to play on.
in all a very enjoyable day with quite a lot of finished and half-finished
stuff. More importantly lots of coffee was imbibed and many of tales were told.