Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Castle Keep and Corner Ruined Building from Amera

Two vacuum-formed terrain-pieces from Amera that has been stuffed away in a corner for far too long a time. Now they are finished and stuffed away at the club J.
Corner Ruined Building is from the Future Zone Range.
We flocked these during our Terrain Day the other week and I then winterized them in with Tamiya Snow Effect.
Castle Keep comes from the 28mm Fantasy Realms range.
The ruin saw action in a game of Frostgrave at the club last Wednesday. A glorious victory for my witch even though her apprentice and the heroic bear got a bit messed  up...

Welcome follower Matt Barker from Printable Scenery


  1. Replies
    1. The Amera pieces are great for light-weight big stuff. Postage to Sweden was a bit of a killer though, and the post-man was rather curious as to what I had ordered that came in an enormous box weighting almost nothing :-)

  2. Yep it's always painful when the postage is costing more the the item Joakim as I had to put up with on order from the USA,
    they turn out well mate nice work.

  3. Nice terrain, very atmospheric!

    1. It turned out rather well in the end. The snow really did it.

  4. That looks pretty darn good for a vacuumed terrain piece! Which is the second? The other square one? How about the round one, is that an aquarium piece?

    1. The two other large pieces are Ziterdes, see these posts

  5. I don't have any Amera stuff, but friend Luke has and its pretty good, very large and reasonably priced :-)

  6. Yet to buy any of the Amera stuff but looks impressive and ideal for that winter setting.

    1. It's a relatively easy and cheap way to get rather big terrain-pieces.

  7. The Amera stuff IS good. Although I don't remember the postage to be that bad when I bought some bits two years ago.
    So what happened to that lovely bear of yours? His prey got stuck in his throat? ;-)

    1. My 'problem' was because the size of the stuff bought (there is still some of the biggest pieces unpainted...). Transporting air is expensive, weight-wise.
      The poor bear had been on an over-eating spree and just fell acutely ill. She'll be back :-)

    2. So size does matter? ;-)

      Ah, poor bear... I really pity her... NOT!

    3. She's much better already and pining for a tasty hobbit-snack.

  8. Amera stuff looks great. I'll buy some of that I think.

    1. They are very good for big terrain-pieces, but you need to work quite a lot on them to get a good finish

  9. Thanks for the review love what you have done with them Joakim!
