Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Secret Santa comes from Frostgrave

We had a local Secret Santa thingie going here in the Frozen North (actually it is above freezing, but, well, you get the idea).
My Secret Santa had quite some problems with half of the ‘Secret Santa’ concept. It seems that if you pay your postage for a package on the web there will be tracking (good) and also a mail to the recipient telling a package is on the way (good). Said mail will also specify other parts, such as the name of said ‘Secret’ Santa (which in this case is… less than perfect :-D).
Anyway, the Unsecret Santa had bought far too much stuff and painted it, too!
Wonderful monsters for Frostgrave! A great present!
I guess I have to invite the Unsecret Santa to a game at the club. I think this was a subtle hint that he likes Frostgrave and wants to play more.
Thank you Unsecret Santa! When do you want a game? ;-)
Also a big thank you to Chris Gilbride who supervised this Penguin Santa Surprise and helped us with ideas (of the... quirky kind) and photos of one of the attendees in Napoleonic uniform doing unspeakable things.


  1. So two "secret" penguin santas have arrived... two are unaccounted for.

    Nice work though, and I bet I know where they were ordered from too :-)

    1. Very nicely painted stuff.
      So, you and Thomas still haven't received yours?

    2. At least not me... I don't know about Thomas but I haven't heard anything.

  2. Nice stuff. The stone golem is a figure I really like: mine's painted up Egyptian style,so interesting to see one that looks very different.

    1. They are really nice! Will move to the club soon, to terrorize poor magicians...

  3. Those are very groove model Joakim :-)

  4. Replies
    1. I'm sure they will do a good job on halflings. Might be just as good as bears.

    2. There will be no halflings next time, just Uruks ;-)

    3. That's cheating!
      They are not as tasty as halflings.

    4. Oh yes, they've been fattened on Thomas's Gondorians :D

    5. So, Koen's Uruks, ate Thomas's Gonorrheans, and you think it's yummy? Yuk, big time. :-)

    6. Hahaha!
      My bear is not that particular when it comes to food. It moves, is not undead or a construct, belongs to the opposition. That's about it.

  5. Ja, suck. Jag försökte lägga in Secret Santa, Nordpoolen, som adress, men det stämde inte med mitt leg, så det fick jag inte ;-) Får hitta annat sätt nästa år...

    1. Hahahaha!
      Bättre lycka nästa år!
      Vi får väl spela Frostgrave då!

    2. Det gör vi! Jag kollar agendan, men första luckan kanske redan finns nästa vecka. Återkommer!

    3. Låter som en plan. Jag är upptagen torsdag men annars ser det hoppfullt ut.

    4. Jag kanske "skolkar" en halv dag ;-)

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Michał!
      They sure are and Koen is a great painter.
      Check out his blog for more mini-goodness
