Thursday, 9 March 2017

Conan – Giant Serpent

I had another game of Conan with Thomas yesterday. I was the hero and quickly crushed the opposing bad guys. It was a bit too easy, mainly because we both had forgotten far too much of the rules and made some serious mistakes. So, to offset that, we have decided to play Conan for a couple of weeks in a row to actually learn the rules and (hopefully) not forget them between plays. 
The problem with too many good games is that you are tempted to switch between them, which isn’t all that great when your memory is what it is :-)
Anyway, I made a very quick paintjob on the giant snake that made an appearance in the scenario. 
I had green-stuffed it during the weekend and block-painted (the back and the abdomen are actually painted with different nuances but it doesn't show in the pics) and washed it the evening before the game. Drybrushing after breakfast and varnished before I left for the club. Super-fast for me and the result is a very nice playing piece. It might even see action in other games.
The last thing you see...


  1. Yeah, that was not my finest moment. Conan is a damned chain saw! You need to run away until he runs out of gas. I forgot that and paid the price. Next time, Conan, I'll get you next time!

    1. I was extremely lucky, though. Also, that explosive orb certainly made Conans work much easier.

  2. That is a stunning model and beautifully painted.

    1. There are so many great models in that game. More are on the painting table now, both heroes and monsters. I hope some will be ready for next weeks game.

  3. A very nice model Joakim so why would it not see action in other games ?

    1. True. I'll change that to:
      It WILL see action in other games.

  4. Very nicely done. More games is not a bad thing :)

    1. It's such a fun game so it doesn't really feel like a big sacrifice :-D
      Also, it will make me more focused on painting stuff for it.

  5. "...quick paint job on the giant snake..." Stop it!! That looks great, especially the inside of the mouth, wow!
    I really wonder how much we, as gamers, get rules wrong when playing a rules set? I know I'm good for getting close to double digits every single time! Whether it's just simple modifications up or down I forget or full on getting mechanics all wrong. But my players expect it! I make sure to tell them before hand that I'm going to mess something up :)

    1. The mouth was super-easy - Vallejo Salmon Rose, a red wash (Citadel Baal Red) and gloss varnish. It did turn out real good.
      haha, we're alike! My problem is too many rules and far to often too long between games. That is about to be rectified with Conan :-D

  6. Most impressive figure, well done!

    1. Thanks, Phil
      Scales are really made for a wash and then drybrushing. That helps if you're in a hurry

  7. Replies
    1. And poor Thomas didn't even get to activate it. What a waste of my precious painting time ;-D

    2. Yep, sad indeed. Next time, Conan, I'll get you next time...

  8. Great snake! The figs definitely have a Frazetta vibe...

    1. so I need Conan i chains, then?
      Thomas would have liked that in yesterdays' game :-)

    2. Excellent suggestion, Gordon! It would have made my day a hell of a lot easier I can tell you.

  9. So you're saying that you defeated Thomas? I hear that a lot on the blogosphere.
    The snake is quite fearsome. I hate giant snakes.
    PS - if you are on Twitter, I recommend that you follow the Conan the Salaryman account.

    1. I don't know if "defeated" clearly describes what happened in that fight... :-D
      No twitter, I'm afraid.

    2. If you consider the result of the Angloa-Zanzibar War to be a "defeat" then yes, the word is applicable. Otherwise, no.

  10. Lovely giant serpent, impressive :-) Know what you mean about loads of differing rules, I get in the same muddle.

  11. Thank you!
    I'm glad I'm not alone with rules fatigue :-)
