Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Cairo Civilians #2 from West Wind

I bought these figures from Old Glory Miniatures UK. I found them under the Blue Moon header, came to their Blue Moon Miniatures page and on that I clicked on ‘28mm Blue Moon Manufacturing’. Another page and here I clicked  the ‘Chaos in Cairo’ link and found a couple of packs that suited me. This one was called ‘CIC-10: Cairo Civilians II’.
When it arrived the package said West Wind was the producer and the pack was called ‘CIC-10 Civilians #2 w/Cart’. A bit confusing, but now I have them and they are painted.
They will be used in our Pulp Alley campaign and other Pulp Alley games also, as generic Arabic non-combatants. Eye-candy for the tables.
Mould lines on these were manageable and as the metal is on the soft side they were easily removed with a file.
Not much to say about the painting really. Based with Vallejo Foundation White, a wash of Army Painter Dark Tone ink and a heavy drybrush with Off-White on all the white cloth. The female is obviously painted with black and a dark grey drybrush.
A nice addition to my other Pulp Arabs. Set #1 is on the painting table now.

Welcome new Followers and Google+ Followers:
Tony – no blog I could find
Another World Miniatures - a company producing very nice 28mm SF steampunky miniatures.
Jesper Ohlsson

Ray’s got a great giveaway at his excellent blog Don’t Throw a 1. He's celebrating his 500th blog post. Well done! Hop over for a look.


  1. A very nice addition to the background in a game.

    1. It's the details that does the gaming board. So these will hopefully add a bit

    2. Indeed. On that note, have you bought the Garden packs from TFL yet?

    3. What can I say?
      Like pack 2 a bit better, but both are nice.
      They are not on the 'to buy' list though

    4. Spread the word at the club.

    5. When the adventures takes us to rural England, maybe :-)

  2. Very nice. Especially the woman and the cross-legged beggar. Must pick them up for my games!

    1. The woman's got a bit of an ape-arm, hanging down very low. But you wouldn't notice (until I have pointed it out :-)
      All in all, a very nice set.

  3. Great looking figures Joakim and thanks for the plug!!

    1. Thank you and thank you for the give-away.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks. They turned out rather well in all their simplicity

  5. They look great. Have received my statuesque minis order they are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you
      I have the frothing loonies from Statuesque waiting for paint. Great stuff!

  6. Really nice figures with a lot of character!

    1. Thanks
      just finished another pack of Arabs, you'll see them here soon
