Friday, 9 December 2016

Conan: Zogar Sag

The first mini from the Conan boardgame is done - Zogar Sag from the story Beyond the Black River. He is a pictish sorcerer and tried to unite several pict tribes and have them invade civilized lands. He met Conan and died – sort of the usual story J (But Conan didn’t kill him directly, only through proxy, sort of. You should read the story if you haven’t already)
Anyway, I had him (unpainted, though) in our first game of Conan… and he died… but so did Conan!
The question is: what should be next on the painting table from the Conan box? Conan? We’ll see.


  1. One of my favourite Conan stories...and one of my favourite baddies!

    1. Someone like Zogar Sag who likes to rip your heart out is undoubtedly a baddie.
      He was unfortunately slaughtered rather to fast in our first game of Conan. I have to do better next time, which I will as he is painted now :-)

  2. Impressive. I don't want to know what that red thing is in his hand. Nope. Don't want to know. Don't tell me.

    1. I won't tell you what it is, but it is actually quite impressively detailed, looks just like the real thing. Arteries, aortas, it's all there.

  3. Great story and I like the miniature as well.

  4. It is a good story. The minis are really nice, but there's a lot of them. Will take a while to work through :-)
